Stalking Awareness Month
January is not only National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, it is also National Stalking Awareness Month. Did you know, more than 6 million people are stalked every year? Stalking can be done in different ways, in person and online/cyber stalking, both as serious as the other. Stalking is a series of actions that make you feel afraid or in danger. Stalking is real. It can happen to anyone. It’s dangerous. It’s a crime.
Stalking can look different in different situations, here are some actions that can be a sign of stalking.
- being approached when not wanted
- someone showing up in places you didn’t want them to be at
- receiving unwanted phone calls and text messages
- being watched or followed from a distance
- being spied on by a listening device, camera or GPS
Stalking is very serious and should be reported immediately before more serious situations occur. Help us to spread awareness this month!