World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13th every year! It is celebrated internationally and the purpose of it is “to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us.” Looking at how the last couple of years have been, we know everyone needs a little kindness, not just on World Kindness Day but every day!

We want to challenge you to participate in this day by doing small acts of kindness all day! Here are some ideas of ways you can show kindness:

  • Compliment someone
  • Leave a treat or gift for your mail carrier
  • Buy a coffee for the person in line behind you
  • Smile at someone and ask them how their day is going
  • Donate unused items or toys to those in need
  • Leave a 50% or more tip on a meal or service
  • Pick up litter in your subdivision
  • Venmo or leave money for a friend to buy their morning coffee/favorite drink

The list can go on forever! Try to show as many acts of kindness, big or small, throughout the entire day. Maybe even every day! And don’t forget, sometimes even a smile or “hello” can completely brighten someone’s day. 

“ Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”

-Harold S Kushner

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