Damsel Decade in Review: Christie

Damsel Decade in Review: Christie

Our Damsel Decade in Review continues with a powerful testimony from Christie. Please note, our testimonies feature heavy content that may be a trigger for some people. We thank our PROs for sharing these powerful stories. Please watch with care.   “I realized by...
Damsel Decade in Review: Lani

Damsel Decade in Review: Lani

Our Damsel Decade in Review continues as we share testimonies from our PROs who are passionate about our mission.   Today’s testimonial features Lani, and while we are proud to share her powerful video, please note that she is sharing some heavy content that...
A Decade of Equipping, Empowering and Educating Others! Watch the recap.

The Damsel House Story

Fighting human trafficking is the core of the Damsel mission. In 2013 our founder Mindy was exposed to sex trafficking when she witnessed a child—the very same age as her own daughter—sold into trafficking by her father. It was at that moment Mindy committed to using...