April is one of the biggest months for Damsel in Defense. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Child Abuse Prevention Month, and holds Denim Day which is where we declare #noexcuses for any violence, abuse, or assault! We want to spread awareness for all of these issues this month. Below are some ways you can help to spread awareness in the coming month for Sexual Assault Awareness Month! 

  • Wear a Statement

 Tuesday, April 5th is the day of action for SAAM! You can participate in this day by wearing teal, the color of sexual assault prevention month, and encourage others to do so as well! Not only does this show support for survivors and that you are against sexual assault, but it also shows that you’re a safe person for a survivor to reach out to! 

  • Host or Attend an Online Event

As a Damsel Pro, this is the perfect opportunity to have an event and theme it around SAAM. You can incorporate the awareness topic into your event by using teal-colored decor or wearing teal, you can also talk about SAAM to your customers to spread awareness and educate them on the matter! 


If you are not a Damsel Pro, this is a great opportunity to find local or online events near you to participate in! 

  • Support Survivors

Unfortunately, many of us know someone who identifies as a survivor. The topic of SAAM is not a light one or easy one to talk about. It can be difficult to know what to say or how to respond when someone confides in you. There is no one way to show support, support can be shown in many different ways. Even just listening to someone can help them.

  • Participate in the 30 Days of SAAM Instagram Challenge

This challenge is held every year to help spread awareness of this topic. It is a great way to support this awareness month on social media. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center has 30 days of prompts for this challenge, you can just post something for each prompt every day of the month! Check out the challenge here

  • Protect Yourself

Don’t forget that prevention for yourself is important throughout this month and always. If you or a friend need help or support due to sexual violence-related circumstances don’t hesitate to get help! 

  • Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.
  • Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
  • Check locally for Sexual Assault Resource Centers. 


Don’t forget to follow Damsel in Defense on Instagram and Facebook as we will be sharing information on SAAM all month long!