We have said it before, April really is like the super bowl month for us here at Damsel in Defense! April is not only Sexual Assault Awareness Month but also Child Abuse Prevention Month! In our previous post, we went over ways you can spread awareness for SAAM here. Today we want to share ways you can spread awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month! 

  • Spread the Word

This is a great opportunity to spread the word about Child Abuse Prevention and how important it is to take action against this act. Start the hard conversations that have to happen. If you are a Damsel Pro, you can incorporate this topic into any events or parties you have coming up!  

  • Know the Facts

90% of sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator. This is an example of important statistics to know during the month of April and all of the time. Follow our social accounts this month as we share important statistics and information! 

  • Report Any Abuse

It is important to always take action when needed. Make sure to always report any abuse or concerning actions when necessary. This is a key part of prevention. If situations are brought to light, it is less likely for the situations to continue to occur or they can be stopped. 

  • Educate Yourself

Do you know what grooming is? Or what the signs of sexual assault are? There are many great resources to gain information that is important during this month. It is also important to know this information all of the time. Take the time to educate yourself on some of the information surrounding assault and child abuse. Share this information with friends and family to help spread the word. 

  • Talk to Your Kids

Arguably one of the hardest steps of spreading this awareness is communicating and educating your children or children around you. It is important to have the hard conversation with children so they are aware of what can happen and that it is ok to come to you if something is wrong. A resource you can look into is the SAFE Hearts line of books. These books help to turn hard to talk about topics into kid friendly conversations! Visit your PRO’s website to check out this line today! Don’t have a PRO? We can help! You can also have a plan in place for what you can do if a child did come to you and disclosed that something had happened.


Don’t forget to follow Damsel in Defense on Instagram and Facebook as we will be sharing information on CAPM all month long!