Shopping small business has been a rising trend in 2024 and it certainly hasn’t stopped in December. Last minute shoppers adore turning to their favorite unique small business that they can purchase from and that their recipient will love. Now the number one on Swagger’s Great Gifts for Every Girl list, our line of Security On the Go products are the perfect thoughtful gift whether you are looking for the last minute addition or are needing a quick gift. We are also truly thankful for Swagger’s team for providing our Founder, Mindy Lin, with the opportunity to do an interview as well on how Damsel is changing what women’s self defense truly looks like!
Swagger Magazine is North America’s Premier digital first Modern Men’s Luxury Lifestyle Publication. Within the online and printed pages, Swagger was certainly curated for the sophisticated man looking to stay in the know about the world of clothes, food, drinks, gear, technology, and much more! For us at Damsel, we are very glad that they gave us the opportunity to speak on women’s self defense. We hope that you reach out to your local Damsel Safety Educator here for more last-minute ideas!
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