Share what Daily Hype can do for you! Take the #MyDailyHype Challenge in August (which is also Wellness Month) and share what makes you feel good!
We are so excited about Daily Hype. Actually, no—we’re not excited; we’re hyped about it! Aside from tasting great, we love how it makes us feel. With a burst of energy every single day, we can give—and be our best!
But finding something to truly get hyped about every single day takes a lot more than just a drink. It takes something that we’re actually very familiar with here at Damsel. It takes passion and purpose. It takes having a missional mindset. It requires us to pursue something that’s so much bigger than just ourselves.
What Damsel Stands For
That’s what Damsel in Defense is all about. It’s what we’ve always been about. We were built to solve a problem. We were built with a mission at our core, and the opportunity to come together as a tribe to take it on. And we’ve been doing it now for 10 years, which amazes me. We’ve accomplished so much, and we need to celebrate that. And we also have so much more we can accomplish, and we want to celebrate the opportunity to do that, too.
Starting right now, today, we’re launching the #MyDailyHype campaign.
We believe that every single day has something that you can get hyped about. It may feel like it’s hiding on some days, but you gotta go find it. No matter what, though, we’re going to take on the attitude that there’s always something every day to get hyped about. That’s what #MyDailyHype is all about.
Ready to Take the Challenge?
Now through August 31, we want you and anyone who wants to join you to commit to posting on social media about one thing that you are hyped about for that day. It can be anything, and it definitely doesn’t all need to be about your Damsel business. It may be someone you’re meeting that day. Or it may be a Zoom session you’re going to be on. It may be something you got from Amazon. Or maybe something that happened at church. And yes, it may even be that great-tasting new energy drink you started taking.
Whatever it is, take a picture that somehow captures it, and post about it on Facebook and Instagram. Then just add #MyDailyHype to your post.
Join Us Today
It’s so easy—just be your true, authentic self and post once daily something that gets you hyped, excited or just plain happy! Be sure you include the #MyDailyHype in your post and post every day now through August 31st!
Examples of Social Posts

Pepper Swap
Damsel in Defense offers a wide variety of Pepper Spray outer shell designs which range from a...
Home Office Favorites – Judah
“Having a clear mind and a clear space allows you to think and act with purpose.” -Unknown In the...
The Great Outdoors: Cross Country Skiing
Cross Country Skiing originated in Nordic countries as a means of travel and simple recreation and...