Today is National Education & Sharing Day! At Damsel in Defense, we not only want to equip and empower people, but a huge part of what we do is also educating people to be able to protect themselves and their loved ones! 


We focus on educating our field and our customers on how to use personal protection products and the importance of having them! We always say that it is better to have the products and never need to use them than to need them and not have them. For us, educating on and sharing our mission is the most important part of our business! 


If you or someone you know is interested in educating and sharing awareness and safety, today is a great day to join our team! We love and appreciate the Damsel family we have built and hope to continue to grow it and reach more people with the message of safety!


Talk to your Damsel PRO about how you can help change the lives of children while equipping, empowering, and educating women and their families. Don’t have a PRO? We can help you find one today.