Having a stun device is a popular and effective way to defend yourself. Whether it’s an aggressive dog or you find yourself faced with a violent individual or worse, multiple individuals, having a stun device could mean the difference between staying safe or being attacked.
Small and compact, Stun Devices are a great alternative for those who do not want to carry a handgun. Even if you live and work in an area you consider safe, being able to defend yourself is worth the peace of mind. After all, no one ever wants to look back and think, “if only I would have been better prepared.”
Stun Devices are for personal protection and can be used to defend yourself from an attack. But they can also be used as a defense deterrent as well.
Here are four ways to use a stun device:
- Increase your situational awareness when scanning your surroundings with the stun device’s flash light.
- Use it as a deterrent. Fire off a warning shot if you feel threatened to send a strong message.
- Use it as s a weapon. Use the pain compliance tool to create space between you & an attacker to safely get away.
- Secondary weapon. Use it as a force multiplier by driving it into an attacker and strengthening your impact.
Are you a customer? Contact your Pro or log on to your Pro’s website to order your Stun Device today! Remember, you always save 10% when you shop with your Pro! Find a Pro >
Women Survivors
Did you know 1 in 5 women are survivors of rape? Notice we say, survivors, not victims. Damsel was started to equip, empower and educate others.
The Damsel House Project
The Damsel House Project began in 2015 with the goal of providing hope to the hopeless and a voice to the oppressed. Damsel in Defense has adopted homes in both Cambodia and India, where girls rescued from sex trafficking are housed and given a plan full of hope, free from selling their bodies. Our long-term goal is to have a home in every country in which our partner organization is rescuing.
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