GPS, short for Global Positioning System, is the foundation of much of modern life. Most people use GPS everyday in one form or another – whether that be rideshare apps, navigation systems, food delivery, or fitness trackers – but not many know GPS’s true beginnings and how it can help one stay safe today.
The navigation system we know and love today had humble beginnings as a child of the space race. While Sputnik, the first satellite to successfully orbit the earth, was travelling around the earth, a group of scientists at Johns Hopkins University observed that the satellite sent out radio signals that grew in frequency as it approached and decreased as it moved away.
This discovery led to the idea that “If a satellite location could be determined from the ground via the frequency shift of its radio signal, then the location of a receiver on the ground could be determined by its distance from a satellite” (aerospace.org). Transit was then developed and launched in 1960 as the first ever navigation system to be used by both military and commercial users. It included Selective Availability which made tracking much more inaccurate but also protected citizens from the government being able to track their exact location. After 28 years of service, Transit was retired and replaced with the GPS we know today.
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, GPS technology improved significantly. The technology first appeared in cell phones in 1999 when the Benefon ESC was released to the general public. Around the same time, the government turned the Selective Availability feature off, and the general public had ten times the accuracy in their mobile devices overnight. Over time, new satellites were also launched to improve speed, further accuracy, and include more features.
GPS has been a lifesaver in the modern world for finding a friend’s lost phone, ensuring you will have enough gas to make it to the next station, and making sure an arrival to the airport is timed correctly. Another integration for GPS that can truly be a life saver is the integration of technology in the world of personal safety. The Damsel team has worked tirelessly to bring around the Shield Technology in three different devices to choose from! Our Shield technology uses GPS and Bluetooth technologies to send out an emergency alert to up to five of your closest family or friends to alert them you are in danger and provide your current location.
Pete, our expert pick-and-packer for our warehouse, loves the Shield technology we have implemented. His specific favorite of the three is the Protected Pepper with Shield because of the revolutionary integration of a silent alarm that sets off as you deploy the pepper product. When not busy fulfilling orders and helping out around the warehouse, Pete enjoys lounging and always makes time for a well deserved break!
The Protected Pepper with Shield technology combines the Shield technology with our powerful pepper spray in one incredible product! Alert your community that you set off your protection and let them come to you via the GPS system and personalized message. For more information, connect with your local Damsel Safety Educator here.