Kevin McCallister once said “This is my house, I have to defend it”. Similar to Kevin, we all desire to defend our homes and families against the holiday thieves; however, similar to Kevin’s family, we often forget to defend our home as we get caught up in this busy season. In this Education Opportunity, your Damsel Safety Educator will be covering some shocking home invasion statistics, practical ways to protect your home, and practical ways to protect yourself if you are caught in a home invasion situation.
Featured Products:
No need to set up improvised caltrops made of glass ornaments on the floor by your windows to stop Harry and Marv! Our Damsel Safety Educators have your back with our Step Off Portable Alarm. This device can suction to windows or slides easily underneath doors and will sound an alarm to scare off intruders like Marv!
If you do not have a blow torch or an iron laying around, another great option for personal defense is our Striking Distance Stun Device. The 12 inch device gives you extra reach and creates a bigger “safe zone”. Stun Strips and the disable pin feature prevent the device from being taken and used against you and the strobe light feature can act as a distraction to get out of the house and situation as soon as possible. Our Educators have the perfect place for you to stage this product, so we recommend reaching out to them to find out!
Sneak Peek:
Feeling curious on what exactly you will learn in this Education Opportunity Presentation? We would be too! Here are some sneak peak points on what you’ll learn from a Damsel Safety Educator about Home Invasion:
- How long Home Invasions actually take (Hint: not enough time to even freeze the staircase!)
- Entry Points – Statistics show the most likely point of entry for a burglar
- The McCallister’s biggest mistake and how to avoid it
- How to survive a Home Invasion
Interested in hosting a party or event to learn more about this Education Opportunity or interested in purchasing products? Click the link below to find a Damsel Safety Educator near you!
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