Our Damsel Decade in Review continues as we share testimonies from our PROs who are passionate about our mission.
Today’s testimonial features Lani, and while we are proud to share her powerful video, please note that she is sharing some heavy content that could be a trigger for some people. Watch with care.
“This mission is not ours to have and to hold, it’s ours to share and to give to others. Do so with kindness, strength, confidence, and happiness just knowing how many lives you are changing out there. Be bold you guys and feel empowered.” – Lani
Elder Safety Checklists
You asked and we answered! Below are two different checklists for you to see if you are living as...
Bonfire Safety
Fall fun can include many activities, including fishing days, baking fall treats, camping trips,...
Abroad and Alone
69% of females refuse to travel solo due to worrying about their safety. This statistic has held...